Friday 18 October , 2024 / 15 Rabi' II ، 1446

Even you, Google!?

14 March, 2023Categories: BrandingComments: 0

Always, we tend to generalize about Western societies, starting with the friendly Americans, passing through the polite Europeans, and so on, until God wills otherwise. We even accuse them of encroaching on our values, traditions, and religion, despite the prosperity, civilization, culture, and progress that their societies enjoy.

The reason for this emotional introduction is that on a bright and joyful morning, before I start my daily work (routine of creativity), I had the idea of writing to Google's artificial intelligence tool, so it could suggest legal topics that concern Saudi society. The result was that Google's intelligence, Bard, suggested the following, claiming with the grandeur of its language that it can create a realistic and information-rich text:

"Here are some suggestions for writing sensitive legal articles that concern Saudi society:

1. Mixed Marriage: Mixed marriage is a sensitive issue that concerns Saudi society, as couples from different religions or races face many legal and cultural challenges. The article can address these challenges, discuss how to overcome them, and explore how mixed marriages can enrich Saudi society.

2. Women's Rights: Saudi society has witnessed several developments in women's rights in recent years, such as allowing women to drive and enter sports stadiums. However, there are still many legal issues affecting Saudi women, such as the guardianship law and family law. The article can address these issues and discuss whether they align with human rights principles.

3. Freedom of Expression: Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right; however, it is a sensitive issue in Saudi society. The article can address the restrictions on freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia and discuss how to promote this right in the Kingdom.

4. Criminal Penalties: Saudi Arabia imposes severe penalties for certain crimes, such as the death penalty for offenses like adultery and theft. The article can address these penalties and discuss their compatibility with human rights.

5. Workers' Rights: Migrant workers in Saudi Arabia face various legal challenges, such as wage inequality and poor living conditions. The article can address these challenges and discuss how to improve the rights of migrant workers in the Kingdom."

The text goes on to highlight the importance of being objective and precise when writing such articles, avoiding personal opinions or biases, and providing evidence to support the viewpoints.

Taking Google's advice into account, I say:

I was truly shocked when I read these ignorant suggestions and the miserable ideas about us, which made me realize a few facts:

The West still resides in its condescending, crumbling intellectual tower and remains steadfast in its unjust view of Saudi society. It seems as if they are looking at the world through a narrow lens, or they have lost their vision and insight when it comes to assessing the progress, development, improvement, and innovation that my great country has witnessed in all aspects of domestic and foreign politics, economics, technology, security, society, and medicine, especially in the past seven years.

Regardless of our efforts to avoid using religious texts from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as the sayings of the Salaf, these texts provide us with a comprehensive, original panoramic view of the concept of loyalty, satisfaction, and the deep-rooted feelings inherent in those souls by nature (and what their breasts conceal is greater) in Saudi society.

I consider myself a lawyer practicing an honorable profession that requires me to uphold the truth and provide assistance in correcting injustices and delivering rights to their rightful owners. It is my religion and the honor of my profession not to harm or be harmed by the prejudices of any people. From injustice comes issuing general judgments without verification. Google is just one company; what's the point of generalizing?

In response to a question about the number of users, Google Bard replied: "In May 2023, Google Bard was launched on a wider scale, covering more than 180 countries and regions. In June 2023, Google announced that Google Bard has added support for more than 40 languages, including Arabic. Based on this information (and this statement is from Google Bard), we can estimate that the number of Google Bard users worldwide ranges from one million to 10 million users. This figure includes both active and inactive users (God, there's no envy).

About Google, it states: "The number of users of the Google Chrome browser worldwide is approximately 3.26 billion users. This makes it the most widely used browser in the world, representing over 65% of the market share."

We must question the algorithms used by Google's engineers to provide us with such an answer on the page of its intelligent artificial speaker!

Mr. Google Bard, which relies on its parent, the browser, speaks of what it has gained from users in less than three months since its launch (at the time of writing this article). This makes me pause firmly at its station to raise awareness, verify, and be cautious about the information provided by Google and its offspring. I also call on this creative family to investigate, be just in their speech, avoid spreading rumors and myths, discipline their algorithms, and raise them with fairness and respect for the freedoms of others, guaranteed by international agreements.

As for Mr. Bing, he replied politely and mischievously to the same question, saying: "I'm sorry, I cannot provide sensitive legal articles concerning Saudi society. But I can provide you with some sources that discuss human rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which may be useful to you. You can refer to these sources: (and he included these links): Human Rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and SAUDI ARABIA 2021 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT."

As for the GPT chat, it was not far from its brother, Google bard , which confirms the depth of the idea I presented.

And peace be upon you.

Tags: Marketing


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