Saturday 01 March , 2025 / 1 Ramadan ، 1446

Terms & Conditions

Appendix to the most prominent terms and conditions

1- The individual service applicant (in particular) must be over the age of eighteen, and that he has acquired the eligibility to deal with all the services of the platform.

2- To take full advantage of the platform’s services and applications, the service applicant must write a full detail about the consultation on the consultation page, with the ability to upload and send files in order to be fully informed of the service providers and receive messages from them within the platform.

3- In the event that the user wishes to benefit from integrated legal services or any of the lengthy legal services, he must write to the site management to nominate the appropriate service provider for his needs to achieve the highest level of services. The issuance of a final judgment in them, or those related to the annual or semi-annual legal contracts inclusive of the requests of public and private legal persons.

4-Both the service provider and the service seeker  of all their categories and classifications should not put or exchange any contact information or direct contact information for each of them such as mobile phone/fixed phone/email, and the likes; in any way, whether when providing or receiving consultation, when exchanging messages between the parties, or within files exchanged between the parties. If this is proven, Jadeer management has the full right to remove any forms of infringement in the system,  and may temporarily or permanently disable your account.

5-The consultation duration is only sixty minutes; it is the right of the service seeker, bearing in mind that extending the time for more than sixty minutes for consultation is an absolute prerogative of the service provider only. He alone (the provider) has the right to grant it to the service seeker. Accordingly, the service seeker has no right to prosecute the service provider judicially, administratively or morally when he  (the provider) refuses to extend time.

With our wishes for everyone to get our services easily,Efficiently and safely.

Appendix to the most prominent terms and conditions

1-Service providers of all classifications must ensure compliance with all terms and conditions stipulated in the Law Firm issued by Royal Decree No. M/38 dated 7/28/1422 AH and all its amendments, updates, executive regulations, and decisions issued in this regard. No request to participate in the provision of his legal services through the platform and its applications will be accepted unless he completes the conditions sufficient to qualify him to provide the service, including, for example:

  • Lawyer license
  • Attorney's identity
  • Register the professional company for the Saudi and foreign company
  • Any other documents required for the practice of providing the service, whether governmental, documentary or supportive, as requested by the site management.

2-The responsibility of Salama for the availability of the conditions and documents necessary for the qualification of a consultant or lawyer in the Jadeer platform and its applications, who works under his facility for his data registrar of legal capacity, rests on his registrant as a qualified service provider to provide it through the platform and its applications. that. In all cases, each service provider will be subject to approval to allow it to provide the service after verifying the availability of these conditions and documents in the manner it deems appropriate.

3-The service provider of any category must supervise the trainee lawyer's provision of his services in all his work that he provides through the platform.

4-When registering membership in the platform or its applications, service providers must take into account the classification contained in the link at the top of the platform titled Service Providers to benefit from their services easily and quickly when requested.


5-It is not permissible for each of the service provider and the service seeker, in all their categories and classifications, to put contact or direct contact information for each of them, such as mobile or phone number, fax number, landline, e-mail, and the like, including, in any way, whether when providing or receiving advice or when exchanging messages between the two parties or within the files exchanged between the parties. If a violation of this is proven, Jadeer management has the full right to remove any infraction in any form from the system and temporarily or permanently disable your account.


6-The duration of providing consultation is only sixty minutes, and it is the right of the service seeker.., bearing in mind that extending the time beyond the sixty minutes of consultation is an absolute prerogative of the service provider only and he has the sole right to grant it to the service seeker; Accordingly, the service seeker has no right to pursue the service provider judicially, administratively or morally when he refuses to extend.


7-The service provider must understand that extending the consultation time and its implications are entirely his responsibility, so he must be careful when agreeing to extend the time to avoid any interference in his appointments.


8-The service provider, if he is registered in the value-added tax, must upload a copy of the tax declaration certificate when completing the registration data and notify the platform of that in order for the service invoices to be processed according to what is required by the competent authorities. 


Appendix to the most prominent terms and conditions of the service provider
From foreign offices and companies:

In addition to the previously mentioned terms and conditions for service providers, service providers from foreign offices and companies in particular include the following:

A-The non-Saudi consultant who is qualified to provide the service on the platform must be working under an establishment and registered in the register of non-Saudi consultants at the Ministry of Justice.

B-Attach the registration document for the membership of the Saudi Bar Association.

C-The national address of the place of practicing the profession.

D-Register the professional company for legal persons.


E-Foreign offices and companies granted a temporary license for specific or specialized projects shall limit themselves to providing consultations within the limits stipulated by the law, and shall not provide any service outside the scope of the license granted to him. 


With our wishes for everyone to get our services easily, Efficiently and safely

Agreement to use the platform and its applications
(Terms and Conditions)

  • code G: general for all users.
  • code S : pertains to the service seeker.
  • code P : pertains to the service provider.


G First: Preface: These terms and conditions represent a formal agreement (contract) between the Jadeer platform for legal services and its applications and the beneficiaries' participation in all the platform's services and applications. Once you click agree to the terms and conditions upon registration, it is considered concluded. These terms and conditions govern the controls for using trading platforms (Jadeer Digital) and their applications, displaying them on the Internet, providing all legal services, and a base for it, which is an electronic platform (website and mobile applications, trade science, and linking them), linking a service seeker for legal services and full legal work and providers/service styles. Whether the service seeker is an entity, company, or individual, it also provides solutions by meditating between the different levels of members while providing methods for sorting the available types of services with people with distinguished services. It allows users with a variety of personalities (natural/moral). The system schedules appointments effectively and activates the audio-visual parliament—the use of the platform and its applications on the platform. The service has returned through it. The use of the platform and its applications by any party means acceptance of the privacy policy, and the privacy policy shown in the bottom links of the platform pages or mentioned in its applications is considered part of the terms and conditions of the agreement to use the platform and its applications.



G Second: Definitions and Terms:

The terms and definitions used in this Agreement, wherever mentioned, have the meanings indicated in front of them, as shown below:

  • -The platform: It is the website of the JADEERLAW digital platform for electronic mediation in providing legal services and support services on the Internet (JADEERLAW.COM.SA); It is a website registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the provisions of Article Eighteen of the Executive Regulations of the Electronic Commerce Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/126 dated 7/11/1440 AH, under Commercial Registration No. (1010790360) and Tax Registration No. (311235187600003).


  • -Applications: these are the platform applications installed on mobile phones, handheld devices, or similar devices.


  • -The user: everyone who creates an account for him on the platform or application or registers a membership to benefit from the services available in it or to provide services through it. Or visit it, browse it, or request any of its services.


  • -The owner company: It is (Jadeer Digital Business Services Company), a Saudi company with limited liability registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, registered under Commercial Registration No. (1010790360).


  • -Management: Jadeer Management, its supporting applications, and services.


  • -Service(s): All the legal and support services available on the Jadeer platform or its applications.


  • -Service seeker: Every natural or legal person, private or public, who has registered on the platform or application and requests any of the services available on the platform or application. And his registration is activated by e-mail, mobile number (via his mobile) or via the platform management.


  • -Service Provider: Every private natural or legal person who has registered on the platform or application and has provided a service or ready or committed to providing any of the services available to him to provide on the platform or application. His registration is activated via e-mail or his mobile number.


  • -Content: It is all the digital or electronic files that the user uploads to the platform or the application or exchanges with others within the platform and its applications, which includes but is not limited to (images, texts, videos, information, data, all icons, symbols, letters and numbers of all kinds), and thus authorizes viewing from the service provider or vice versa; Including the Jadeer management, or it is exchanged between any two or more of the aforementioned parties.


  • -Agreement: Refers to this document and its terms and conditions, all policies for providing services, and all agreements and policies that complement and implement the user’s agreement Including the privacy policy with the Jadeer management or the company.


  • -Privacy Policy: It is a security statement that discloses the method or approach that Jadeer Digital Business Services Company follows on its websites and various applications in collecting data related to information privacy and managing information disclosed by the user or necessary to benefit from the services.


  • -Refund policy: It is the method of refunding amounts paid or part of them and the steps for refunding them, which are subject in most of their rules to the policies approved by the Central Bank. And the terms of the payment gateway providing electronic payment services.



Third: Terms of Use: 

  • G 3/1 The first and second clauses edited are among the terms and conditions that complement the agreement to use this platform and its applications.


  • G 3/2 The site of the Jadeer platform and its services and other sites are available for use. Its use and use in any capacity is subject to its terms and conditions of use, the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia the condition of returning and entering the geographical location or affiliated applications. The amendment to the amendment becomes an amendment to the amendment clause.


  • G 3/3 The privacy policy regarding the personal information and data entered by the user when registering on the platform or one of its applications is confidential, including the username and password. Maintaining it is the responsibility of the user alone. He undertakes to take any steps that may be necessary to ensure its preservation. He must notify Jadeer management immediately if he has any reason to believe that the confidentiality of the username and password has been exposed or may be compromised. In return, Jadeer management undertakes Not to be used or disclosed except within the limits of the need for the services available on the platform and as permitted by the laws and regulations. We have dedicated a separate page for the privacy policy to view it from here. 


  • P. 3/4 The role of the platform and its applications is limited to mediation and linking between providers of legal services in particular and other supporting legal services on the one hand, and the beneficiaries of all those services on the other hand, without any responsibility for the level of quality of the providers of those services objectively. The company that owns the platform and its applications is not responsible for any agreements, obligations, contracts, or representations between service seekers and providers or any other parties outside the platform's framework and its applications or in violation of its terms and conditions.


  • S 3/5 In the event of integrated legal services or any of the lengthy or extended legal services, or the rotating correspondence of the site management, the appropriate service provider for his needs, the highest level of services. And for example, but not limited to legal contracts in receiving and studying cases and handling them since their inception in a final issuance in them, or those in legal contracts or half of the current comprehensive requests for natural or moral and internal personalities.


  • G 3/6 The Jadeer management and its applications allowed users of the platform to save data related to communication with written consultation content only between all parties using the platform, and therefore if the user deletes data related to any communication or association with any party within the platform or its applications (whatever the reasons), such conduct is sufficient to invalidate his right to claim any rights whatsoever; Because this reduces the chances of relying on it as evidence or presumptions to claim the right inside or outside the platform or invoke it against others; With the commitment of the platform management to assist as much as possible (within the limits of what is dictated by regulations and laws) and the data available to it.


  • G 3/7 Complaints are received on the Jadeer digital platforms and applications through several channels made available for this purpose. Jadeer team is committed to responding within a period not exceeding twenty-four hours (24h). Since the topics of complaints different from one complaint to another in terms of size and subject matter, the administration of Jadeer Digital will do its best to ensure that the processing of such complaints does not exceed seven (7) working days.



G Fourth: Site User Acknowledgments:

G The user of (JADEERLAW.COM.SA) websites, applications or services acknowledges the following:

  • G 4/1 He is over the age of eighteen, and he has acquired the eligibility to deal with all platform services.


  • G 4/2 Commitment not to upload or download files containing software, materials, data, or any other information he does not own or for which he does not hold a license.


  • G 4/3 Avoid uploading or downloading files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or any malicious software, or do anything that may affect the integrity, reliability, or continued availability of information on the site.


  • G 4/4 Commitment not to publish, advertise, distribute, or circulate materials or information that contain a violation of laws, pornographic, obscene, or infringing materials, any illegal materials or information, or any content that includes provoking any politically oriented discussions, or religious, sectarian, racial, discriminatory, advocates or relates to criminal practices; or illegal, or pornographic, or calls for, justifies, or justifies terrorism, violence, drugs, spreading viruses, hacking , violating an intellectual property right, or posting links to infringing, violating, or prohibited sites officially, or placing other website addresses that may include any of what is mentioned in this paragraph, or include breaching any legal duty related to the rights of others, or inciting them to violate the law through the platform's services or applications.


  • G 4/5 Refrain from using any means, program, or procedure to intercept or attempt to interfere with the platform's or its applications' correct operation.


  • P 4/6 Service providers with all their classifications must comply with all terms and conditions in the Saudi legal system issued by Royal Decree No. M/38 dated 7/28/1422 AH and all its amendments, updates, executive regulations, and decisions issued in this regard. Or any regulations related to the practice of the profession.


  • P 4/7 With regard to the service provider, Jadeer will not accept requests to participate in the provision of his (the provider)legal services through the platform and its applications unless he completes the conditions sufficient to qualify him to provide the Service, including but not limited to:
  • - Lawyer license.
  • - Personal identity card (ID) of the lawyer.
  • - Proof of registration as a professional company for Saudi and foreign companies.
  • - Any other documents required to practice providing the Service according to its classification, whether those requests are governmental, documentary, or supportive, that the Jadeer administration may request.


  • P 4/8 When registering membership in the platform or its applications, and in particular when defining terms of reference, service providers must take into account the classification of the type of service listed under the link at the top of the platform titled Service Providers to benefit from their services easily, clearly and efficiently when requested.


  • S 4/9 To take full advantage of the platform’s services and applications. The service seeker must write in full detail about the consultation on the consultation page, with upload and send files to be thoroughly reviewed by the service providers in preparation for submitting them appropriately.


  • G 4/10 In the event that the service seeker requests a service from the consulting services on the platform or its applications and chooses the available date on the page of the selected service provider and books it, as soon as the service provider approves it, an appointment is set for providing the service. Still, suppose either party defaulted and did not adhere to the specified time (whether it was the service seeker or its provider) and was appointed to benefit from it. In that case, this forfeits the right of the defaulter from his obligation to claim any rights unless the platform or one of its applications is the reason for that, as a result of a technical malfunction, for example. in the event that the service provider did not adhere to the appointment, the service seeker as permissible and according to availability has the right to replace it with another service provider without the platform's commitment to any financial costs in excess of what he paid for the basic application , and in all cases referred to, each party has the right to object to any procedure (while preserving evidence supporting his objection) by communicating with the platform by the methods available within the platform or by the means mentioned in these terms and conditions, and the platform management will receive it, study it, and decide on it.


  • G 4/11 The User shall avoid the Platform from any action that imposes an unreasonable, large or disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the Website.


  • G 4/12 User should not prohibits any action considered a violation under the Anti-Cyber Crime Law or any other relevant laws. 



G Fifth: Financial Policies:


5/1 The Jadeer management and its applications agree to use all reasonable efforts to preserve the privacy of all operations and information pertaining to the cards used by the beneficiary in payment operations. They also agree not to use, disclose, or publish any information about the card and its owner obtained in electronic payment operations through the platform and its applications.


5/2 All users of bank cards of all kinds must preserve their data, and the platform and its applications shall not bear any negligence or default on the part of the beneficiary for neglecting to maintain its confidentiality.


5/3 Jadeer platform deserves a commission of (23%) collected from the value of each service provided on its platforms or related applications without condition or restriction. The platform is not responsible for the fees relaterd to electronic payment operations, and the service provider is responsible for any government costs that may be imposed.


5/4 Jadeer platform transfers the service provider dues monthly only in the end of the month. It is for the last month's work on the first day of the following calendar month, if the service was in the last three days of the month jadeer platform will transfer the dues in the first (7) days of the following calendar month


5/5 It is a must from the service provider, if registered for VAT (value-added tax), must upload a copy of the tax declaration certificate when completing the registration steps and notify the platform by uploading  a copy of the tax declaration certificate.


5/6 The service provider, if he is registered in VAT, must notify the platform of this so that the service invoices are processed in accordance with what is required by the competent authorities (financial, tax, or other obligations that may be claimed.)


5/7 The service provider is not entitled to ask the platform to collect value added tax and transfer it to his account if he does not submit a request to the platform before the platform submit its tax returns for the service.


5/8 When a service provider provides services through the platform, upon registration of its membership, it is required to register the international bank account number (IBAN), identification number (ID), professional and commercial record, and date of birth to monitor fraud, risks, and comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements as stipulated in the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


5/9 All registered members of any category must understand that all payments made by service seekers will be subject to the following policies:


  1. Payment policy and settlement of amounts:

(a) Payment policy and settlement of amounts: the amount of services paid within the platform and its applications only, and this is limited to electronic payment methods remotely via the Internet (online) using electronic payment cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and Mada, and other methods provided by the contracted payment gateways. Therefore, the Jadeer management and its applications shall not bear any responsibility, whatever the reasons, for any other methods of payments that take place between any parties.


(b)The amounts will be collected by the payment gateway company and deposited in Jadeer digital company’s account for a period ranging from seven days at least to fifteen days, and the platform management will settle the amounts, and also collect the value-added tax for all parties, and provide (the service seeker and the service provider) with the necessary documents for that, and the funds are not released in preparation for depositing them In the account of the beneficiary except in specific cases, including:

    • (1) Click on the End Request button; this is considered a notification from the service seeker that he fully benefits from it.
    • (2) The lapse of three days after pressing the button to file a complaint without giving justifications or the complainant mentioning reasons that the Jadeer management finds to be insufficient, incorrect, unacceptable, or malicious.


(c) In the event that service seeker did not benefit from the service for reasons acceptable to the management of the platform and the extension or return of the service is not requested (based on a complaint or notice sent to the management of the platform on the available means to communicate with it) within five days of the end of the service period, it will be completely closed and the necessary calculations will be carried out in preparation for transferring the balance to the service provider’s wallet.


(d) If the service seeker pays a sum of money through the payment gateway available on the platform or its applications, it is considered his approval to transfer the paid amount. He does not have the right to retrieve it except in the event that he does not benefit from the service and for other reasons to review, estimate, and approve it in accordance with the financial policies that the Jadeer management is committed to, knowing that the failure of the service seeker to benefit from its results that are compatible with the fulfillment of his desires is beyond the control of the service providers. It is considered a lack of benefit, for example, but not limited to the necessity of ruling in his favor in a lawsuit or the like because the service provider is responsible for exerting the effort and not achieving the result.


(e) All parties must understand that in determining the prices of legal services, displayed on the data of service providers or sent by them to service seekers in all their diversity, the Jadeer management has not and will not interfere with or have anything to do with determining them, and that the policies and criteria for determining them belong to the service providers. At the same time, Jadeer management and its applications advise service providers to take mediation into account in determining the cost of these services in order to facilitate access to and benefit from them for the largest segment of society (provided that they are as disciplined and transparent as possible).


(f) The platform allowed the initiative to provide legal services at voluntary prices (temporarily), provided that coordination is made with the Jadeer management to control these issues to avoid raising any expected problems.


(g) The platform provides both the service seeker and the service provider with sufficient financial data for each transaction carried out by either of them and the right to download and print them.



Return policy:

(h) All users should know that refunding money via an electronic transaction will be processed with the same bank card with which the original transaction was made.

(i) The Jadeer management undertakes to make all efforts aimed at finding amicable solutions to resolve disputes or claims for a process or operations to recover amounts or a sum of money within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days from the date of the claim sent to Jadeer management and its applications by the communication methods prescribed in these terms and conditions. In the event that amicable solutions are not effective in ending a dispute or claiming a financial refund regarding one of the services, any financial dispute regarding the entitlement to the cost of a process (which was carried out only through the payment gateway) will be considered within a maximum period of thirty (30) days. The party originating the dispute with the refund request after completing the payment process shall bear a deduction of 3% of the amount paid for the service, plus one Saudi riyal, from the amount of the disputed transaction. None of the disputing parties has the right to oblige the Jadeer management and its applications to pay any sums of money or compensation from the refunded amounts unless it is proven that the platform caused the dispute due to its intentional error, negligence, or negligence, and according to a valid legal document.


(j) In the event of a desire to open a financial dispute and raise it with the competent authorities (outside the platform), all parties to the dispute must pay the fees prescribed for that by the Central Bank and/or the payment gateway. The Jadeer management and applications do not bear these fees (except for what is decided by the legally authorized party to oblige it to pay according to laws, rules, regulations, government instructions, or binding agreements) unless it is proven that it is a party to the dispute according to a valid legal document.


For your information, Jadeer Digital Company, in all its financial transactions, is subject to the general policies and rules of government financial institutions and their instructions, as well as those of intermediate payment gateway companies regarding the funds referred to.


(k) The service provider must add the international bank account (IBAN) upon registration, and it is the provider's responsibility to check the accuracy of the account number.


(l) In compliance with the principle of transparency, all users must understand that the policy of setting and distributing prices by service providers has taken into account the following calculation:


1-The VAT rate of 15% is fifteen percent to be paid by the service seeker, and this percentage will be automatically added to the pricing. The service provider puts it in the quotes after it has sent the cost of the service it chooses, which it provides to the service seeker. It will be automatically visible to the service seeker in the service provider's data when displaying the service cost after sending it to the service seeker. Twenty percent (23%) is the percentage deducted for the platform and is deducted from the final price of the service from the cost of the approved service. The service provider, in particular, must understand this when setting the cost of its service. Therefore, the price that the service provider sends to the service seeker is considered the final cost. Any changes will be announced, if required, in due course.


2-(2%) Two percent to be deducted from the entire final cost paid for financial services.


3-(23%) Only twenty-three percent is the percentage deducted for the platform and is deducted from the final price of the approved consultation service. In the event that the consultation turns into a legal work other than the consultation at the request of the client or a proposed opinion from the lawyer, the platform deserves only (5%) five percent of the cost of the legal work service. The platform management relies on the lawyer's honesty and integrity in transferring its percentage to its account registered with the Saudi National Bank with the IBAN number (SA2310000017 800000424204) and the service provider in particular should understand this when setting the cost of the service he provides. Therefore, the price sent by the service provider to the service requester is considered the final cost. Any changes will be announced - if necessary - in due course.


G Sixth: Jadeer Management Rights:

  • G 6/1 The Jadeer management and its applications reserves all its rights to stop and block any link in any way from any user or site that is not authorized or that contains inappropriate, obscene, infringing, obscene, pornographic, indecent, or unacceptable topics or illegal or names, materials, or information that violates any law or rights, including violations of this User Agreement.
  • G 6/2 The Jadeer management does not guarantee the work of electronic links linked to other sites on the platform except for ways to communicate with service providers within the platform, its applications, or what it announces at the time.


  • G 6/3 All site contents, including services and information, and the data content, are the property of the platform and its applications and are fully protected in accordance with copyright, trademark, and intellectual property rights systems.


  • G 6/4 Unless otherwise specified, the site's services and materials may not be sold, licensed, rented, modified, copied, reproduced, reprinted, uploaded, transmitted, distributed, publicly displayed, edited, or used to create works derived from it for public or commercial purposes without obtaining the prior documentary approval of the Jadeer management, except for scientific and research purposes and spreading awareness, in which case it is permissible to quote on condition of a referral to the site.


  • G 6/5 Any modification of the platform's contents or applications is strictly prohibited.


  • G 6/6 The graphics and images in this platform and its applications are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or exploited in any way whatsoever without prior and clear documentary approval from the site administration.


  • G 6/7 The Jadeer management may, at its absolute discretion, terminate, restrict, or stop the user's right to access and use the platform's services or applications without notice when it becomes aware of a violation of the terms and conditions of use or any other behavior that the Jadeer management may consider (at its discretion) illegal or harmful to others. In the event of termination, the user will not be authorized to access these services.


  • G 6/8 The user hereby acknowledges and agrees that his exclusive and only means of remedying any damage or loss that may occur as a result of his access or use of this site is to refrain from using or accessing it or not continuing to do so, with the need to inform the relevant section of the platform through the means available in it in a link to communicate with us.


  • G 6/9 The Jadeer management makes, on an ongoing basis, all efforts to check and test the quality of the platform's work, its contents, its links and applications, and its development. The user is obligated to run antivirus programs on all materials that he downloads from the platform or its applications, and theJadeer management does not bear any responsibility for any losses or damages, interruptions, or damage to the user's data and devices when using the platform's services, applications, or materials received from it.


  • G 6/10 The platform gave the service seeker the option of assessing the service provider's level, so it calls on everyone to adhere to impartiality, transparency, and honesty when evaluating because the Jadeer management will take these assessments seriously in implementing its future policies.



G Seventh: Notices and Correspondences:

  • G 7/1 The Jadeer management and its applications may send notice(s) to the user, according to this agreement and its terms and conditions, on its electronic platform or through a documentary notice delivered by e-mail to the address of the user registered with it. Any user can send a notice to the Jadeer management and its applications at any time via the following e-mail: INFO@JADEERLAW.COM.SA, a link to communicate with us through the platform, or the abbreviated national address in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the city of Riyadh, as follows:

R D L D 4 0 0 4


  • G 7/2 Any e-mail duly sent by either party shall be deemed received one day after the sending date; notice has yet to be received indicating the failure or inability to deliver this message.


  • G. 7/3 Correspondences sent by regularly registered mailbox are considered to have been delivered after 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt.


  • G 7/4 Every registrant on the platform and its applications must adhere to accuracy, diligence, and transparency when filling in the registration data. The means of communication (such as phone and e-mail) and all the data the beneficiary entered during registration and/or notifying the Jadeer management thereof are considered sufficient information to achieve its systematic effect in notifications.



G Eighth: General ethics for users of the platform, its applications, and communication standards within it:


  • G 8/1 Every user who communicates with any party or parties must abide by public morals and regulations and avoid using inappropriate phrases, obscene words, or insults to human dignity.


  • G 8/2 The communication should be focused on the topic and not deviate from it in any way.


  • G 8/3 Avoid any personal criticism that does not aim to enrich the presented idea.


  • G 8/4 G Stay away from sectarian strife and avoid falling into any racist issues or religious or sectarian differences.


  • G 8/5 G Between service seeker and service provider, avoid writing personal information, including any information related to personal communication.


  • G 8/6 G Any content published on the platform or its applications is subject to all local and international publishing laws and conditions and is subject to review and classification. The Jadeer management reserves all its rights to refuse to publish or delete the content without giving reasons.



Ninth: Payment methods to benefit from the services:

  • G 9/1 Our company provides reliable electronic payment gateways using the platform's available methods and applications. It is not responsible for any practices not offered by the platform and its applications.


  • G 9/2 It is prohibited for the service seeker skip the payment methods available on the site and do  to pay the costs of services for the accounts of service providers directly or for unknown or undisclosed accounts on the (JADEERLAW.COM.SA) platform or its official application, and the defaulter, in violation of that, bears all the consequences for different types.


  • G 9/3 All bank account numbers of service providers are monitored and documented by Jadeer management. In addition to the numbers and information related to identity, the commercial register, the legal establishment register, or the necessary licenses for eligibility to provide the service (and not disclosed to others), monitor risks, and comply with the legal and regulatory requirements in force as stipulated in the state regulations.


  • G 9/4 The data related to the bank accounts of the service providers must be from the bank accounts within the Saudi banks, and they must be registered in the name of the service provider according to its classification, and they must be written with the international account number (IBAN).



G Tenth: Miscellaneous Provisions:


  • G 10/1 The owner company notes that this platform and its applications are directed only to serve the searcher for its legal services and support services for it and everyone looking for a provider of its services from individuals, companies, or different sectors, and not to promote lawyers, advertise them, or talk about them or their activities. And that the purpose of this platform is to facilitate access to those who need legal support from the specialized gentlemen and women working in the legal field or the services and applications of the platform and its applications, as part of the message of the owner company to spread awareness among the public.


  • G 10/2 The owner company clearly and categorically notes that it will not accept, in any way, that the attorney's data on the platform contain any advertising or promotional publication or phrase understood from it.


  • G 10/3 All contents of requests related to the provision of services are the responsibility of the service provider and the service seeker, and it is their responsibility to protect them and not to disclose them.


  • G 10/4 When the service seeker or the legal service provider suffers any damages resulting from the negligence or negligence of any of them during the implementation of the service, both parties bear full responsibility as much as the percentage of the damage committed, and the (JADEERLAW.COM.SA) platform and its applications or the owner company bear no obligations or responsibilities of any kind towards these damages.


  • G 10/5 The addresses written on the user's registration page or the notices that are made through the platform or the application are considered legal notices that produce all their legal, administrative, and moral effects.


  • G 10/6 In addition to these terms and conditions, Once you download the platform's applications and browse its site in any country of the world, it is subject to its local laws in everything related to what is published through it, contracts, or any relationship of any kind, and the platform and its applications are subject to all laws, international agreements, and agreements related to intellectual property and the use of the Internet, all human rights agreements and treaties, and all international laws, agreements, and treaties related to publishing.


  • G 10/7 The laws and regulations of the country apply to the provisions of this agreement, and any dispute, claim, or disagreement arising from the application of this agreement shall be considered by the competent authority in the capital of the country in which the platform and its applications provide its services formally, objectively, and spatially according to the portal through which access was made.


  • G 10/8 When any dispute or disagreement occurs between parties in a transaction or service under the platform's umbrella and its applications, the Jadeer management will be committed to addressing it as friendly as possible. If this does not provide any benefit, the general and financial policies detailed in these terms and conditions will be applied.


  • G 10/9  All service providers, across all classifications, are required to adhere to the professional conduct rules for lawyers and the ethics of the profession outlined in the system, its executive regulations, and related regulations.


  • G 10/10 The appendices to the terms and conditions related to the service seeker and the service provider of all Saudi and foreign categories published on this platform are among the clauses of the terms and conditions that complement what was previously mentioned here. 


  • G 10/11  In the event of any discrepancy in the interpretation of any of the terms and conditions herein, reference shall be made to the Arabic language as the basis for interpretation.  


  • G 10/12  The Saudi courts in Riyadh city are considered the competent authority to consider and adjudicate any legal claim or judicial dispute arising from the provisions of this agreement.


With our wishes for everyone to get our services easily, efficiently, and safely!
